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Shalom Neuman


(Arthur Kaye, “Heaven, Hell and Soft Serve”)

Fabric on wood, found objects, acrylic paint, motion detectors with recorded original sound

14” x 12” x 2”

1995 - 2023


Shalom Neuman (b. 1947) was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. His family escaped the communist regime and WWII Nazis and fled to Israel, where Neuman spent his childhood. When Neuman was twelve, they immigrated to Pittsburg, PA. He studied at the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia before attending Carnegie-Mellon University to complete a BFA and MFA in the dual disciplines of painting and sculpture in 1970 and 1972, respectively. He won the Damrosch Scholarship to study in France where he received The Beaux-Arts painting prize. Shortly after, Neuman attended Indiana University to complete his post-graduate fellowship in painting and sculpture. Neuman made New York City his home in 1980 and continues to divide his time between Prague and the United States. He is a member of The Rivington School.


Neuman is a multi-sensory and multidisciplinary artist. For over 45 years he has taken the innovative approach to combine any and all media. His artwork integrates painting, sculpture, light, sounds, and movement with roots in constructivism, expressionism, surrealism, and new technology. He is the recipient of the Premio Galileo 2000 Award for Art XV Edition, presented at Teatro Della Pergola, Florence Italy on September 23, 2013. He received this award in recognition of his concept of Fusionism, the fusing of all artistic media.


He has been exhibited extensively in galleries and museums in the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, and Israel. His work is in the collections of the National Gallery of Prague (Czech Republic), Museum Kampa (Czech Republic), Kafka Museum (Czech Republic), Ellis Island Museum (New York), Museum of Modern Art (Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA), Museum of Modern Art (Nice, France), Museu Da Image E Dom Som (Sao Paolo, Brazil), and the private collections of Elaine DeKooning (East Hampton, New York), Enrico and Roberta Baj (Milano Italy), Rosa Easman (UBU Gallery, New York), Chemical Bank (New York), Paolo Martini (Rome, Italy), Miguel Cardia (Portugal), and Ivan Karp (O.K. Harris Gallery, New York), amongst others. He has taught at The Cooper Union, Parsons School of Design, Pratt Institute of Technology, and has been a visiting lecturer at The School of Visual Arts, Yale, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Beer Sheva College, and Ra’anana Cultural Center in Israel.


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